Chaz Bono on Dancing With The Stars: Cher Tweets Her Response to Detractors

Following Monday night’s announcement of the Dancing With The Stars celebrity cast and the subsequent partner pairing announcement on Wednesday, the internet has exploded over the inclusion of C...
Chaz Bono on Dancing With The Stars: Cher Tweets Her Response to Detractors
Written by Josh Wolford

Following Monday night’s announcement of the Dancing With The Stars celebrity cast and the subsequent partner pairing announcement on Wednesday, the internet has exploded over the inclusion of Chaz Bono for the show’s 13th season.

For a while there was plenty of buzz about Nancy Grace, but a few Casey Anthony jokes later, her involvement has fallen off the radar. People are in a frenzy over Chaz.

Of course, the issue at hand is the fact that Chaz Bono used to be Chastity Bono, famous daughter of Sonny and Cher. Over the last few years, Chaz has taken the steps to transition from a woman to a man – culminating in gender reassignment surgery last May.

Chaz is the first transgendered contestant that has ever been on the show. He has been paired with professional dancer Lacey Schwimmer.

Chaz’s upcoming appearance on the beloved reality show has drawn both harsh criticism as well as inspired defenses. Chaz’s mother, pop icon Cher, took to Twitter to express her thoughts on those attacking Chaz across the internet –

lovelies! Chaz is Being Viciously Attacked on Blogs & Message boards about being on DWTS!This is Still America right ? It took guts 2 do it 20 hours ago via TweetDeck · powered by @socialditto

I support him no matter what he chooses 2do! God! will there always be haters! It took COURAGE 2 do dwts ! TG Chaz has an Unlimited supply  20 hours ago via TweetDeck · powered by @socialditto

Can u guys check out sites & give him your support ? BTW …Mothers don’t stop Getting angry with stupid bigots who fk with their children ! 20 hours ago via TweetDeck · powered by @socialditto

As far as the attacks that Cher references, the posts on announcing the cast and the pairings are one place where people are commenting. One user writes:

This show has completely lost a viewer(s). I am DISGUSTED that you would have Chaz Bono on there. He/she can live however he/she would like to live, but do we need to flaunt it for ratings? Really? I hope your ratings sink as low as you have sunk in having Chaz on there.

Another says:

I am very disappointed in ABC for the decision to cast Chaz. I feel as though the media continues to push the limits and boundaries and throw junk in our faces, trying to force liberalism down our throats. I’m so sick of it. I love the show, but I absolutely refuse to watch this season. I will not accept sin no matter how “popular” it is in hollywood. I hope there are others who will take a stand against this by not watching this season.

And another:

I am sick and tired of the homosexual agenda being shoved in my face! All I want is to be able to sit down and watch a fun show about dancing for a few hours each week. I do not care what someone’s sexual orientation is so long as it stays between them and the other person, behind closed doors…………there is no need to flaunt it during prime family viewing hours. What’s next? Will Carson be dancing in a dress? Sorry to say but I will NOT be watching and will also be boycotting DWTS sponsors!

People have taken to the Dancing With The Stars Facebook page to voice their criticisms as well –

Paul ChristoffersenThis probably won’t get posted, but I’ll try anyway. My wife and I have been big fans of DWTS since we discovered it in Season 3. We look forward to every Monday and Tuesday night. This year, however, we won’t be watching the show; your producers have gone waaaay over the line casting that transgender child of Sonny and Cher! Poor Sonny must be turning over in his grave! So, who will be Chaz’ partner? Cheryl, Tony, Derek, Kim? So many choices……

Hannah Burdick QuinnI don’t mind saying my husband and I won’t be watching the show this year. It’s bad enough at how over the top Bruno has gotten. It’s disgusting at what people don’t care about these days. God made women and he made man. There is no, “I am confused, I shouldn’t be what I am.” It’s disgusting, and I can’t believe how morals have seemed to disappear as the time goes by.

To be fair and completely honest, it seems to me that the Chaz supporters definitely outweigh the Chaz detractors. On Facebook, Twitter and comment boards there is a huge amount of “Go Chaz” and “Don’t listen to the haters” posts. But, I guess, plenty of negative feelings are out there.

Chaz himself tweeted about the reaction earlier today –

I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of support I received from everyone. Thanks so much. I don’t listen to the haters, but embrace the love. 5 hours ago via HootSuite · powered by @socialditto

Strangely enough, there seems to be little outrage towards new contestant Carson Kressley, the openly gay star of Queer Eye For The Straight Guy.

As far as the “agenda” that some say DWTS is pushing, an executive producer for the show told The Hollywood Reporter that it’s nonsense –

“We don’t have an agenda of any sorts. I think of the 120 celebrities we’ve put on the show, we’ve had, I think now, three transgender or gay contestants. If that’s a homosexual agenda, we’re not doing very well at it.”

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