iPad 2 Scalped in New York City

Just how badly do you want the new iPad 2? Some New Yorkers are having to ask themselves that question as Asian scalpers have taken up residence outside the flagship Apple store on 5th Avenue at 59th....
iPad 2 Scalped in New York City
Written by Josh Wolford

Just how badly do you want the new iPad 2?

Some New Yorkers are having to ask themselves that question as Asian scalpers have taken up residence outside the flagship Apple store on 5th Avenue at 59th.  With demand thoroughly besting supply at the moment, the hot device is selling out at stores and even online customers are finding themselves staring at the possibility of excessively long shipping times.  Most certainly not helping is the group of scalpers that have descended upon the Apple store, buying almost every iPad 2 available.

The scalping group are not only selling to American customers, but also shipping some overseas to be sold at the engorged prices.  The Post quoted one ringleader as saying, “The ones we bought today are already on their way to China…it’s been pretty crazy.”  The iPad 2 ranges in price from $500 to a little over $800.  The scalpers are demanding double, sometimes more for the product they just bought inside the store.

Although the Apple employees are aware of the scheme taking place near their store, they say they are powerless to do anything about it.  The Post quotes an Apple employee as saying, “Listen, we all know what’s going on here. I find it sad and disgusting,  These people are preventing ordinary folks from getting their hands on an iPad.”

It remains unknown exactly how many people paid the scalpers double or triple for the iPad 2, but it is safe to assume that those units shipped over to China will not stick around very long.

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