Steve Jobs On Google: An Evil Antagonist?

Two important tech corporations that used to be friends may now officially be at war.  Although an exact quote's proven difficult to come by, Apple CEO Steve Jobs has been quoted as saying tha...
Steve Jobs On Google: An Evil Antagonist?
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Two important tech corporations that used to be friends may now officially be at war.  Although an exact quote’s proven difficult to come by, Apple CEO Steve Jobs has been quoted as saying that Google’s an aggressor, and even implying that the company is in the habit of doing evil things.

An Apple employee apparently talked to John C. Abell after attending a large corporate meeting led by Jobs.  Abell then relayed the gist of a little outburst that occurred when Google’s name was mentioned.

"We did not enter the search business, Jobs said.  They entered the phone business.  Make no mistake they want to kill the iPhone.  We won’t let them, he says.  Someone else asks something on a different topic, but there’s no getting Jobs off this rant.  I want to go back to that other question first and say one more thing, he says.  This don’t be evil mantra: ‘It’s bullshit.’"

Or maybe the mantra is "a load of crap," according to Jobs – John Gruber heard that slightly different version of events.  Either way, though, it sounds like Apple’s CEO is very upset with Google. 

It should be interesting to see if the two companies go out of their way to frustrate each other – maybe Apple could give search a shot, after all? – as a result.

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