Apple TV Can’t Be Used Without Another Apple Device

In the latest evidence of how far Apple has fallen since the days of Steve Jobs, the Apple TV cannot be used without another Apple device....
Apple TV Can’t Be Used Without Another Apple Device
Written by Matt Milano

In the latest evidence of how far Apple has fallen since the days of Steve Jobs, the Apple TV cannot be used without another Apple device.

The Apple TV is one of — if not THE — best streaming boxes on the market. It has an intuitive interface and fast, smooth performance. In fact, it’s such an outstanding device that many Android and Windows users still rely on the Apple TV for their streaming needs.

Unfortunately, it appears that Apple is trying to block people from using the Apple TV unless they have another Apple device. Christopher Koch, a senior engineer at Google, noticed the terms that come with the latest Apple TV update.

As Koch and other users note, without another Apple device, it is almost impossible to accept the terms and move on.

This is just the latest example of a major shift in Apple’s attitude. Under Steve Jobs’ leadership, the company counted on the “halo effect.” The “halo effect” involved Apple made it as easy as possible to buy an iPod, iPhone, or other device, knowing that once people had a taste of the Apple ecosystem, they would be more inclined to buy additional devices. In other words, Apple had enough confidence in its own products and software that it wasn’t afraid to make its products interoperable with other platforms and ecosystems.

In contrast, under Cook & Crew, Apple has become increasingly protective of its own turf and less open to working with other technologies. In many ways, Apple has taken a page out of Microsoft’s 1990s playbook, doing everything it can to make it as painful as possible for its customers to use competing products. The company has refused to adopt RCS for iPhone-to-Android communication, fought tooth-and-nail to keep the App Store locked down, made it impossible to manage subscriptions without an Apple device, and now is making it nearly impossible to use the Apple TV without another device.

When taken together, it paints a picture of a company that realizes it’s lost its luster and is desperate to keep its customers from coming to the same realization.

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