Google Using Electric Scooters to Make the Return to the Office Easier

Google is hoping to make the return to the office a little easier by reimbursing employees for electric scooter rentals....
Google Using Electric Scooters to Make the Return to the Office Easier
Written by Staff

Google is hoping to make the return to the office a little easier by reimbursing employees for electric scooter rentals.

Like many big companies, Google has struggled with how to implement a return to the office. While many employees are looking forward to being with coworkers again, many others are perfectly happy working from home, which they have been successfully doing for more than two years.

Google is trying to take the sting out of returning by offsetting transportation costs for employees that want to rent electric scooters, according to The Verge. The company has partnered with e-scooter company Unagi to provide its Model One scooter. The scooter has a range of 15.5 miles and a top speed of 20mph.

“They know there’s apprehension amongst employees,” Unagi founder and CEO David Hyman said. “People got really accustomed to working from home. And they’re just trying to do everything they can to improve the experience of coming back.”

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