Can’t Remember All Big Tech’s Controversies? There’s a Wiki For That

A new nonprofit watchdog organization, The Tech Oversight Project, has published a wiki list all Big Tech's controversies....
Can’t Remember All Big Tech’s Controversies? There’s a Wiki For That
Written by Matt Milano

A new nonprofit watchdog organization, The Tech Oversight Project, has published a wiki list all Big Tech’s controversies.

Big Tech is coming under increasing scrutiny on multiple fronts, with privacy and antitrust concerns being two of the biggest. Companies throughout Big Tech are facing lawsuits, both from individuals and governments.

The Tech Oversight Project was formed with the goal of ” holding Big Tech accountable by urging lawmakers to support comprehensive antitrust legislation.” To that end, the group has published BigTechWiki, listing all the various scandals and controversies Big Tech has been involved in, and providing detailed information.

Perusing the wiki may be an eye-opening experience for many individuals.

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