Mozilla Backtracks on Accepting Crypto After Backlash

Mozilla has put the brakes on accepting crypto donations after facing severe backlash, including from one of its original founders....
Mozilla Backtracks on Accepting Crypto After Backlash
Written by Matt Milano

Mozilla has put the brakes on accepting crypto donations after facing severe backlash, including from one of its original founders.

Mozilla announced last week that it was planning on accepting cryptocurrency for donations. The announcement sparked immediate backlash, with some of the most vocal criticism coming from one of its original founders, Jamie “jwz” Zawinski.

It appears Mozilla got the message, saying it pausing its plans to accept crypto donations while it reviews whether its policies match its climate goals.

Unfortunately for crypto, this is not the first time a major organization has suspended its plans to accept it. Tesla made headlines when it announced it would also stop accepting bitcoin as payment over environmental concerns.

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