Amazon Required to Email 1 M Employees About Their Right to Organize

Amazon has reached a settlement with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) requiring the company to email employees about organizing....
Amazon Required to Email 1 M Employees About Their Right to Organize
Written by Matt Milano

Amazon has reached a settlement with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) requiring the company to email employees about organizing.

Amazon has drawn ongoing criticism for how it deals with employee efforts to unionize. The company has hired Pinkerton detectives to keep tabs on unionization efforts, and has been accused of bullying workers and violating labor laws at an Alabama warehouse in the lead-up to a vote on unionization.

According to Business Insider, Amazon has reached a settlement with the NLRB, and one of the stipulations is that it must email approximately 1 million employees to inform them of their right to organize.

The Teamsters had already created a division specifically tasked with helping Amazon workers successfully unionize. With the NLRB settlement, the tide may finally be turning against the e-commerce giant and its efforts to fight unionization.

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