Meta, Twitter, Pinterest Pull Out of CES

Meta, Twitter, and Pinterest are the latest companies to pull out of CES in January amid the surge of the omicron COVID variant....
Meta, Twitter, Pinterest Pull Out of CES
Written by Matt Milano

Meta, Twitter, and Pinterest are the latest companies to pull out of CES in January amid the surge of the omicron COVID variant.

With more people getting vaccinated, companies were eager to return to normal, including holding in-person trade shows and events. Unfortunately, omicron has been surging around the world, causing companies to reevaluate their plans.

According to Bloomberg, Meta, Twitter, and Pinterest have all cancelled their plans to attend.

“Due to the spike in Covid cases across the country in the past week, we’ve decided to cancel our in-person presence at CES next month,” Twitter said in a statement. “We’ll continue to actively monitor the situation into the new year and find other opportunities to connect with our clients and partners.”

“Out of an abundance of caution and care for our employees, we won’t be attending CES in-person due to the evolving public health concerns related to Covid-19,” Meta said.

At this rate, it wouldn’t be surprising if CES ends up being cancelled if enough companies pull out.

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