Salesforce COO Bret Taylor a Rising Star, In Increasing Demand

There appears to be a leadership shift in play at Salesforce, with COO Bret Taylor increasingly in demand among the company’s customers....
Salesforce COO Bret Taylor a Rising Star, In Increasing Demand
Written by Matt Milano

There appears to be a leadership shift in play at Salesforce, with COO Bret Taylor increasingly in demand among the company’s customers.

CEO Marc Benioff has been the face of the company since he founded it in 1999. According to Business Insider, however, customers are increasingly asking for COO Bret Taylor when discussing business.

The move is seen as an indication that Taylor is viewed as heir-apparent for the top job at Salesforce, once Benioff retires.

“I’ve seen a lot of cases where Bret is just becoming more and more in demand with the sales leaders, where they want him,” said Kevin Gibbs, the head of Salesforce Mobile, in a Business Insider interview arranged by Salesforce. “They want him to talk to the CEO, to talk to the leader of those companies, over all the other leaders inside the company over the past five years.”

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