No, Firefox Hasn’t Dropped to 50 Million Users, Still Has 200 Million

Despite some losses, Firefox is still sitting at a relatively healthy 200 million users a year — not 50 million....
No, Firefox Hasn’t Dropped to 50 Million Users, Still Has 200 Million
Written by Matt Milano

Despite some losses, Firefox is still sitting at a relatively healthy 200 million users a year — not 50 million.

A recent article in Gizmodo cited a Firefox Public Data Report, saying the browsers usage “number has sagged to just under 50 million.” In point of fact, the Firefox Public Data Report shows the browser’s usage share dropped from 253,000,000 in January 2019 to 196,000,000 in August 2021. While a drop of 50+ million is certainly unfortunate, roughly 200,000,000 million active users is a far cry from the 50 million Gizmodo proclaims.

Firefox occupies a unique position in the web browser market. Unlike the more popular alternatives, Firefox is open source, developed and maintained by a non-profit organization, Mozilla. In addition, Firefox is one of the most privacy-conscious browsers on the market.

Anyone interested in privacy and security, as well as supporting a diverse web browser market, would do well to make the switch to Firefox — or at least give it a try.

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