Apple Employees Quitting Over Remote Work Policy

Apple is facing more pushback from employees who are threatening to quit over the company’s remote work policy....
Apple Employees Quitting Over Remote Work Policy
Written by Matt Milano

Apple is facing more pushback from employees who are threatening to quit over the company’s remote work policy.

Apple is one of many companies that is requiring employees to return to the office following more than a year of remote work. The company wants employees in the office at least three days a week, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. The remaining days, employees will be allowed to work remotely.

The company’s employees are not happy with the requirement, and have already penned a letter objecting. Now, according to The Verge, who saw a an Apple employee Slack thread, employees are quitting as a result of the company’s policy.

Prior to the pandemic, while Apple always discouraged remote work, there were exceptions, and some teams were more lenient. In the wake of the company clarifying its policy, employees are saying even those exceptions are being denied, resulting in less flexility than before the pandemic.

According to the Slack channel The Verge saw, at least 10 employees said they were resigning or knew others who had. In another survey of Apple employees, 36.7% of those that responded were afraid they would be forced to quit over Apple’s inflexibility.

For a company that ‘thinks different,’ it may be time to apply that mantra to how it deals with its employees. Given the record-breakingyear the company has had, the breakout products it is has released, and breaking $2.5 trillion market cap, Apple’s executives have zero basis for saying its employees haven’t been firing on all cylinders…even if they’ve been doing so remotely.

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