US Assets Could Be Pulled From UK Over Huawei Deal

The US is reviewing its military and intelligence assets in the UK and may pull them out following the UK’s decision to use Huawei....
US Assets Could Be Pulled From UK Over Huawei Deal
Written by Matt Milano

The US is reviewing its military and intelligence assets in the UK and may pull them out following the UK’s decision to use Huawei.

The US has banned Huawei and engaged in a campaign to pressure its allies to do the same, especially those allies that, along with the US, constitute the Five Eyes. Comprised of the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US, the Five Eyes work closely on the international scene and share intelligence. The UK, in particular, shares a very close relationship with the US, a relationship that has been strained with the UK’s decision to include Huawei in its 5G network.

According to The Telegraph, the UK’s decision may soon result in action on the part of the US. The Telegraph says that half a dozen sources have confirmed that a review is underway to determine what military and intelligence assets in the UK may need to be pulled out.

“This was not a bluff. You cannot mitigate the danger Boris Johnson is exposing the UK to by letting Huawei into the network,” said one of the sources.

“This review is not a punishment. This is the White House saying ‘okay, if they’re going to go down this path and put themselves at risk then how do we protect ourselves.’”

The coming weeks and months will no doubt be pivotal, in terms of the US and UK’s relationship. It’s also possible that such a review could put more pressure on Johnson to reverse the decision, something many in the British government already want to do.

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