Affluenza Teen On The Run With Mom, May Have Fled The U.S.

Ethan Couch, the affluenza teen who killed four people and injured several people while driving drunk, is on the run and is being tracked down by authorities after violating his ten-year probation. U....
Affluenza Teen On The Run With Mom, May Have Fled The U.S.
Written by Val Powell

Ethan Couch, the affluenza teen who killed four people and injured several people while driving drunk, is on the run and is being tracked down by authorities after violating his ten-year probation.

U.S. Marshalls released a “wanted” poster on Friday and offered a reward of $5,000 to anyone who can give information on his whereabouts.

“Every person who carries a badge in the United States of America is aware he’s a fugitive,” Terry Grisham of the Tarrant County sheriff’s office, said. The teen’s mom, Tanya Couch, was also put on missing person’s list and was believed to have fled the country with her son, said the spokesperson at the Tarrant County, Texas, District Attorney’s Office.

Couch was 16 at the time of the incident, and his trial included a testimony from a psychologist who argued the teenager was suffering from an affliction called “affluenza.” Couch was charged with four counts of intoxication manslaughter back in 2013, but Tarrant County Juvenile Court Judge Jean Boyd gave him 10 years’ probation and ordered him to undergo treatment.

Couch crashed into a broken-down SUV parked on the side of the road, which took the lives of four people were fixing the disabled vehicle on the evening of June 2013. A blood alcohol level three times the normal limit plus traces of narcotics were found in his system.

The now 18-year-old affluenza teen did not face any serious punishment nor was he sentenced to any prison term, much to the outrage of the families of the victims.

The teen failed to show up at a December 11 hearing after a video showing him playing beer pong surfaced. An arrest warrant was reportedly issued the same day but there was no trace of the affluenza teen at the house he shared with his mother.

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“We’re not going to give up. We’re going to come after you. We’re going to find you, wherever you are,” warned Tarrant County sheriff Grisham.

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