Sofia Vergara Says Kim Kardashian Should Be Upset They’re Competing For Best Butt

Sofia Vergara has had a role on a very successful show for a while now, but she’s just as famous for her curves as she is for her acting, and recently she said she feels like a made-up character...
Sofia Vergara Says Kim Kardashian Should Be Upset They’re Competing For Best Butt
Written by Amanda Crum

Sofia Vergara has had a role on a very successful show for a while now, but she’s just as famous for her curves as she is for her acting, and recently she said she feels like a made-up character rather than a real person.

Her persona–a curvy, heavily-accented woman with perfect makeup–reminds her of a drag queen, she says, but she’s also been put into the same category as another celebrity, and she says that woman should be upset about it.

“I’m going up for sexiest ass against Kim Kardashian and she’s, like, 10 years younger than me. She should be upset she’s up against me. I think I beat her once or twice,” Vergara said.

Sofia isn’t one to take herself too seriously, however, and laughed at herself a couple of years ago when her friend Ellen DeGeneres dressed as her for Halloween.

Sofia does put a lot of effort into her appearance, however, and says she won’t leave the house without makeup on and considers it just a part of her daily routine, like brushing her teeth.

“Part of being Latin is really putting ourselves together. For example, I don’t like leaving the house without some lipstick, blusher, or mascara. For me, putting on makeup is like brushing my teeth. It’s no big effort,” Vergara told The Mirror.

As far as keeping her lovely figure in shape, Sofia says she doesn’t have a special diet. She loves to eat, and she doesn’t deny her sweet tooth when she’s in the mood. The key, she says, is keeping things in moderation.

“I’m very lucky, I love healthy eating. I love fish, I love eating vegetables, and I love salads. But I also love desserts. So I try to eat everything but in moderation,” Sofia Vergara said.

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