Bobbi Kristina Brown: Tent and Hearse Spotted Outside Hospice Facility

Bobbi Kristina Brown is living out her final days in a hospice facility outside of Atlanta. A new development there has caught the media’s attention, but nothing has yet been confirmed. On Wedne...
Bobbi Kristina Brown: Tent and Hearse Spotted Outside Hospice Facility
Written by Kimberly Ripley

Bobbi Kristina Brown is living out her final days in a hospice facility outside of Atlanta. A new development there has caught the media’s attention, but nothing has yet been confirmed.

On Wednesday, a tent was erected outside the back of the hospice and a hearse was spotted backing into the tent–thereby blocking all views from the media.

This has many speculating that Bobbi Kristina may have passed away or is perilously close to death.

How sad for the Brown and Houston families that they have to take such measures to ensure privacy during their darkest days. If this tent and hearse are on hand for Bobbi Kristina Brown, the family is dealing with more than their share of grief. They don’t need onlookers adding to their misery.

Of course it must be noted that this is a hospice facility. Most–if not all–of the patients there leave via a hearse. It’s the erection of the privacy tent that has many wondering if it’s there for Bobbi Kristina Brown.

There is another consideration, however. Families with loved ones near death’s door might not want the media snapping pictures of their family member’s body being removed and placed into a hearse, thinking it might be Bobbi Kristina. Her presence likely puts other grieving families in a tough spot, too.

Bobbi Kristina Brown was found unconscious in the bathtub of her Roswell, Georgia home back on January 31st. She has never regained consciousness. Her boyfriend Nick Gordon is under investigation for what is expected to be criminal activity. Gordon has been sued by a conservator for Bobbi Kristina.

Meanwhile Bobby Brown has just welcomed a baby girl into the world with wife Alicia Etheredge. He is no doubt feeling a wide range of emotions as he holds his sweet baby, yet prepares to let his 22-year-old daughter from his marriage to Whitney Houston go.

If this tent and hearse outside of Bobbi Kristina Brown’s hospice facility is in fact for her, the media will get wind of it soon. In the meantime prayers are surely going out to the Brown and Houston families from near and far.

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