Facebook’s Security Head Calls for the Death of Flash

In 2010, Steve Jobs famously tore down Adobe Flash. Facebook’s new Chief Security Officer wants Flash to die. “It is time for Adobe to announce the end-of-life date for Flash and to ask th...
Facebook’s Security Head Calls for the Death of Flash
Written by Josh Wolford

In 2010, Steve Jobs famously tore down Adobe Flash. Facebook’s new Chief Security Officer wants Flash to die.

“It is time for Adobe to announce the end-of-life date for Flash and to ask the browsers to set killbits on the same day,” said Alex Stamos in a recent tweet.

“Even if 18 months from now, one set date is the only way to disentangle the dependencies and upgrade the whole ecosystem at once.”

Facebook still relies on Flash for a lot of its video, but the site also uses HTML5, browser permitting.

Stamos is far from the first to call for an end to what many feel is a buggy, constant security nightmare.

Stamos joined Facebook a few weeks ago, moving over from Yahoo.

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