Online Sellers Should Look At These Pinterest Shopping Stats

“The results are in: if you sell online, you should be on Pinterest,” says Shopify social media manager Dayna Winter. But you already knew that, right? In case you didn’t, Shopify ha...
Online Sellers Should Look At These Pinterest Shopping Stats
Written by Chris Crum

“The results are in: if you sell online, you should be on Pinterest,” says Shopify social media manager Dayna Winter.

But you already knew that, right?

In case you didn’t, Shopify has a new infographic out further highlighting the importance of Pinterest to online sellers. It makes use of data from a partnership between Shopify and Pinterest as it relates to commerce. It concludes that Pinterest can be “a powerful driver of traffic and big-ticket sales”.

According to the findings, the average order value of sales coming from Pinterest is $50, which is higher than any other major social platform. It’s the number two source of all social media traffic to Shopify stores (and overall based on Shareaholic’s quarterly reports). Two million people pin product pins every day, which is twenty times more than there are daily shoppers at the Mall of America. 93% of Pinterest users use the platform to plan purchases.

Mobile has been a major contributor to Pinterest’s appeal to shoppers. Orders from Pinterest on mobile devices increased by 140% in the last two years, according to Shopify.

Pinterest Infographic

In March, we looked at a study from ShareThis which looked at the value of a pin on Pinterest.

“Pinterest’s recent valuation at $11 billion and growing international user base further solidify it as a valuable place for brands to connect with consumers at critical moments of purchase intent,” a spokesperson for that company told WebProNews.

The study found that women make up 80% of active pinners and that 72% of total pins happen on smartphones. It also said Pinterest has an edge on other top social channels in the Home & Garden, Beauty & Fitness, Food & Drink and Shopping categories.

“A pin has a higher conversion to a purchase than an endorsement to other social networks in the Face & Body Care, Fashion & Style, Fitness & Health and Home & Garden categories,” the spokesperson told us at the time.

Face & Body Care is Pinterest’s top converting category, according to the study, and pinners are 33% more likely than other social users to make a purchase in that category.

Pinterest continues to make product changes that benefit the user experience, which should only lead to even more sales for sellers (not to mention the recent addition of promoted pins). Last week, the company talked about some experimenting it’s doing with real-time related pin recommendations and object recognition. More on that here.

Pinterest is working to make its platform more appealing to men and shed its reputation as a female-specific service.

Image via Shopify

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