Bill Cosby Speaks: Embattled Comedic Actor Thanks Supporters Jill Scott And Whoopi Goldberg

Bill Cosby has something to say—but not to the growing list of women who have publicly accused him of sexual misconduct. Instead, the 77-year-old comedic-actor used twitter to send out his appreciat...
Bill Cosby Speaks: Embattled Comedic Actor Thanks Supporters Jill Scott And Whoopi Goldberg
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Bill Cosby has something to say—but not to the growing list of women who have publicly accused him of sexual misconduct.

Instead, the 77-year-old comedic-actor used twitter to send out his appreciation to those who have supported him during this scandal.

Cosby reportedly used his Twitter account to thank actress and comedian Whoopi Goldberg and neo-soul singer Jill Scott for their support.

Whoopi, who has made questionable comments about rape in the past, recently spoke up for Bill on The View a couple of weeks ago.

Although she didn’t make the “rape-rape” claim, Goldberg did say she had “a lot of questions” about the situation and rather than accuse Cosby, she would “reserve judgement”.

She said of the accusations against Bill Cosby, ” Don’t you do a kit when you say someone has raped you?”

It’s important to remember that many of the accusations against Bill Cosby are not new; many of the women claim that the assaults took place decades ago, well beyond the statute of limitation for rape cases.

As such, these women cannot just go out and have a rape kit made today.

That didn’t stop Jill Scott from making the request via Twitter, along side of her spirited defense of Bill Cosby.

The songstress felt that it was “insane” to accuse Bill Cosby of rape and that much of the scandal was due to the media attempting to destroy his legacy.

No doubt Bill Cosby is thankful that these women were willing to risk national ridicule through comments that could be construed as victim-blaming, as he himself remains steadfast in his determination to not answer to any of the allegations.

Cosby recently cancelled a scheduled appearance on Late Night With Dave Letterman, no doubt as a means of avoiding answering any questions about the scandal.

Bill Cosby also resigned from his position at Temple University.

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