Google Settles Photographer Copyright Suit

Google announced that it has settled with a group of photographers, visual artists, and affiliated associations over a lawsuit related to copyrighted material in Google Books. The terms of the settlem...
Google Settles Photographer Copyright Suit
Written by Chris Crum

Google announced that it has settled with a group of photographers, visual artists, and affiliated associations over a lawsuit related to copyrighted material in Google Books.

The terms of the settlement were not disclosed, but Google said in a statement, “The parties are pleased to have reached a settlement that benefits everyone and includes funding for the PLUS Coalition, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping rightsholders communicate clearly and efficiently about rights in their works.”

Plaintiffs included rightsholder associations and individual artists including: The American Society of Media Photographers, Inc., Graphic Artists Guild, PACA (Digital Media Licensing Association)., North American Nature Photography Association, Professional Photographers of America, National Press Photographers Association, and American Photographic Artists. The individual plaintiffs are Leif Skoogfors, Al Satterwhite, Morton Beebe, Ed Kashi, John Schmelzer, Simms Taback and Gail Kuenstler Taback Living Trust, Leland Bobbé, John Francis Ficara, and David W. Moser.

The case is American Society of Media Photographers, Inc. et al. v. Google Inc. in the District Court for the Southern District of New York.

“The agreement resolves a copyright infringement lawsuit filed against Google in April, 2010, bringing to an end more than four years of litigation,” Google said. “It does not involve any admission of liability by Google. As the settlement is between the parties to the litigation, the court is not required to approve its terms.”

As the company noted, the settlement doesn’t have any affect on its litigation with the Authors Guild. Late last year, that suit was dismissed, but the Authors Guild said it would appeal.

Image via Google

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