Scott Disick Is Still Having Issues With Kourtney’s Pregnancy

Scott Disick was shocked to find out that his girlfriend Kourtney Kardashian is pregnant and while he seemed to be okay with it at first, he is still having a hard time dealing with the fact that he i...
Scott Disick Is Still Having Issues With Kourtney’s Pregnancy
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Scott Disick was shocked to find out that his girlfriend Kourtney Kardashian is pregnant and while he seemed to be okay with it at first, he is still having a hard time dealing with the fact that he is going to be a father again.

Disick has been suffering from depression and has been having mood swings a lot lately. On the reality show Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Scott told Kourtney that she was “suckering him into having more kids” and then left angry and was gone all night.

Kourtney said that she was scared to tell Scott about the pregnancy because she knew how upset and depressed he was.

“I definitely had to build up the courage to tell Scott because he has been just super depressed and I don’t want to set him off,” she said.

Scott realized that he was being harsh with Kourtney and admitted to feeling bad about the things he said to her.

“I definitely feel horrible for putting Kourtney through a rough time when she is pregnant but I did not want to get back to reality,” the depressed star later admitted. “I did not want to face anybody, there is a lot on me right now, especially given what I have dealt with in the last year.”

He also said that his mean words came out of fear, fear that he would not be able to take care of his family in his current state of mind.

“I am scared, yes, but God willing like every other child I have had they will be an amazing blessing in my life,” he told the camera. “I need to relax and enjoy the third time around.”

Scott began to go downhill after both of his parents died within three months of each other. Scott started drinking heavily and was hospitalized in June for alcohol poisoning.

After learning of Kourtney’s pregnancy, he promised her he would stop drinking until after the baby was born and has so far been able to keep his promise.

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