Hawaii: Earthquakes And Hurricanes, Oh My!

As Hawaii braces for a hurricane, it is also recovering from an earthquake that struck Thursday. The quake measured a 4.5 on the Richter scale and struck near Waimea on the eastern shore of the Big Is...
Hawaii: Earthquakes And Hurricanes, Oh My!
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As Hawaii braces for a hurricane, it is also recovering from an earthquake that struck Thursday. The quake measured a 4.5 on the Richter scale and struck near Waimea on the eastern shore of the Big Island.

The earthquake was strong enough to cause shaking in some parts of the state, but not strong enough to cause a tsunami.

Although the earthquake scared many of the residents, most of them remained focused on preparing for the hurricanes that are headed their way. One hurricane was expected to hit by Friday evening and another will make its way to the islands over the weekend.

Residents of Hawaii have been advised to stock up on food and water and to prepare their home for the hurricanes. Many residents have spent the last few days securing outside belongings, finding shelter for pets and of course, stocking up on the necessities.

Several of the stores and customers reported that bottled water was scarce, as were many food items.

Hawaii has not been hit by a hurricane in over 20 years. Many hotels and businesses plan to close over the weekend and most visitors have rescheduled trips to the islands. Some tourists had to end their vacations early so they could catch their flights before the storm hit.

“We’re very worried,” said one resident and hotel owner. “We are prepared to evacuate if we have to.”

Officials have warned those who are close to the water to evacuate the area and head for higher ground or to find shelter at a location closer to the center of the islands.

Image via Wikimedia Commons

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