Netflix Shares A Couple ‘Mitt’ Clips In Which Romney Discusses Debates And His Concession Speech

Netflix has just released a couple of clips from its upcoming documentary Mitt, which follows former presidential candidate Mitt Romney on the campaign trail. The film just premiered at Sundance, wher...
Netflix Shares A Couple ‘Mitt’ Clips In Which Romney Discusses Debates And His Concession Speech
Written by Chris Crum

Netflix has just released a couple of clips from its upcoming documentary Mitt, which follows former presidential candidate Mitt Romney on the campaign trail.

The film just premiered at Sundance, where Romney himself made a surprise appearance. You can see the trailer here.

In the first clip, Romney kicks around ideas for what to say in his concession speech. “Nobody’s listening,” he jokes.

In the other, Romney talks about the debates, and how “sitting presidents have a very hard time” in them “because they feel like ‘Who is this whippersnapper coming up here that knows nothing? I’m president of the United States. I’ve been all over the world. I meet with world leaders. I’m commander in chief, I know all of these things, I’ve been doin’ them,’ and then they come in, and so they don’t prepare, and they just think they can just waltz through it because they’ve done the job, and then they get crushed in the first debate as George W. did, as George Herbert Walker…and then they come back…”

These are just a couple tastes of what you’ll see in the film, which will hit Netflix on Friday.

The filmmaker maintains that Mitt is not presented with political bias. Come Friday, Netflix subscribers can decide for themselves.

Image via YouTube

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