The Wolf on Wall Street: Doing Well Despite Raunch

Among the eight movies that opened on Christmas Day, Variety tells us that Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street is coming out near the top, which is no small feat with The Hobbit being its ...
The Wolf on Wall Street: Doing Well Despite Raunch
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Among the eight movies that opened on Christmas Day, Variety tells us that Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street is coming out near the top, which is no small feat with The Hobbit being its main competitor.

The Wolf of Wall Street is based on the true story of a New York stock broker, the mob and the corporate banking world in the 80s. We witness Jordan Belfort’s, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, entire rise and fall caused from sex, drugs and bank withdrawals within a three-hour length of time.

Funny thing– while the public looks to love it,

when it was played at an Academy screening, tells us that senior Oscar voters were vocally disgusted, and confronted Scorsese about the whole idea of it all.

Scorsese, the man behind Goodfellas and Gangs of New York, admits that the film is a bit more raunchy than what his old friends may be used to seeing from him(according to, actress Margot Robbie almost declined the legendary director because of the gratuitous nudity in the script), but the reviews show that the public either gets it… or just loves seeing a good raunchfest.

Either way, The Wolf of Wall Street is doing great this Christmas week. Who has already viewed it? Curious about your opinion.

Image via Youtube

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