Gifts Baskets: Ideas For Everyone On Your List

When it comes to Christmas shopping there are just certain people who are harder to buy for than others. If you are unable to come up with a gift for one or more of the people on your shopping list th...
Gifts Baskets: Ideas For Everyone On Your List
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When it comes to Christmas shopping there are just certain people who are harder to buy for than others. If you are unable to come up with a gift for one or more of the people on your shopping list this holiday season, consider giving them gift baskets. Gift baskets can be made in a variety of themes and even gift givers on the tightest of budgets can tweak them to be more affordable. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

If you are thinking about buying your child’s teacher a gift before winter break but don’t know him or her well enough to guess what they might like, get them a gift basket full of things they can use in the classroom. Shop at your local dollar store for glue, crayons, pens, pencils, rulers, tissues and antibacterial lotion. If you want to add a little something extra, throw in a gift card to a local restaurant or department store,

Kids and Teens
If you are trying to find something for the kids and teens on your list that no longer play with toys or want clothing, consider making an overnight or sleepover themed gift basket. Fill the basket with microwave popcorn, boxes of candy, DVD’s, flashlights, and soda. If you want to make it a deluxe basket add a few inexpensive throw blankets and small board games.

Finding the right gift for a work friend or office buddy can be difficult. If you don’t want to buy them office supplies that will remind them of work, make them gift baskets that will distract them from it. Add items such as soft socks or slippers, lotion, facial peels, aromatherapy candles, wine and boxed chocolates to the basket. If you are feeling generous, add a gift certificate to a local spa, salon or massage parlor.

Family members can be some of the hardest people to shop for, even though you know most of them well. Make them gift baskets that contain a few of their favorite things. Add small bottles of perfume or cologne, candles, snacks and accessories such as mittens or scarves. You can choose a theme that matches each person’s personality or just keep it random.

Gift baskets are a great way to keep gift giving affordable but fun. You can create them for Christmas or any special occasion. What are some of your favorite gift basket ideas?

Image via Wikimedia Commons.

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