Google Talk Takes On ‘War Stories From Tech Policy’

Google is sharing an interesting At Google talk from last month, given by Joseph Lorenzo Hall, Chief Technologist at The Center for Democracy & Technology. It’s called “War Stories fr...
Google Talk Takes On ‘War Stories From Tech Policy’
Written by Chris Crum

Google is sharing an interesting At Google talk from last month, given by Joseph Lorenzo Hall, Chief Technologist at The Center for Democracy & Technology. It’s called “War Stories from Tech Policy: Backdoors Cryptapocalypse, Drones.”

At the Center for Democracy & Technology, Hall works on issues of technology policy and digital rights.

“In this talk Joseph will take you through a technical report he coordinated, authored by twenty of the world’s top computer security and cryptography experts,” says Google. “He’ll talk about the doubt cast this September when documents leaked by Edward Snowden exposed a systematic effort by the U.S. National Security Agency to subvert encryption software, hardware, standards, and implementations, and how drones that hold great promise for applications can also be covert surveillance platforms.”

More recent At Google talks here.

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