Myopic Nelson Mandela Tweet Spawns Hilarious #FinkeObits Hashtag

Shortly after the news of the passing of freedom icon Nelson Mandela hit the internet, Twitter began to fill up with tweets of remembrance, deference, and general praise of the anti-apartheid revoluti...
Myopic Nelson Mandela Tweet Spawns Hilarious #FinkeObits Hashtag
Written by Josh Wolford

Shortly after the news of the passing of freedom icon Nelson Mandela hit the internet, Twitter began to fill up with tweets of remembrance, deference, and general praise of the anti-apartheid revolutionary. There were tweets of poetic sadness, wonderful tweets that reflected upon to the life of a man who was an inspiration to so many.

And then there was this…

That’s Deadline founder Nikki Finke with one of the year’s most misjudged tweets. Oof. Luckily, the focus has been directed from her incredibly odd statement to a new, hilarious hashtag: #FinkeObits.


God I love Twitter.

Image via Wikimedia Commons

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