Swift Lookalike: Broken Jaw Is Punishment For Impersonation

An 18-year old girl who impersonates Taylor Swift to earn extra cash was recently bullied by some classmates, and she says it’s because of who she looks like. Xenna Kristian says she’s bru...
Swift Lookalike: Broken Jaw Is Punishment For Impersonation
Written by Amanda Crum

An 18-year old girl who impersonates Taylor Swift to earn extra cash was recently bullied by some classmates, and she says it’s because of who she looks like.

Xenna Kristian says she’s bruised and possibly has a broken jaw after a girl allegedly pulled her by her ponytail out of her chair and kicked her repeatedly. The college student says things have gotten ugly since her classmates found out she’s a professional Taylor lookalike.

“Some girls at college had started making nasty comments, but it escalated really quickly,” Kristian said. “It just came as a complete shock.”

Kristian says her friends eventually intervened in the altercation, but not before she suffered several injuries to her face. Police are investigating the incident.

“I never expected anything like this to happen. It’s not nice to see people being nasty about you. Since I started being a lookalike people have been saying stuff. They must be jealous that I’m going off to do something with my life,” she says.

The pain of the violence will eventually go away, but for now Kristian says she’s upset that she has to cancel appearances until the physical marks go away.

Image: Caters News Agency


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