In Case You Forgot: The Full McBain Film Is Buried In “Simpsons” Episodes

This isn’t new news, but it is awesome. In case you forgot, the entire Mcbain movie is hidden in little clips over several episodes of “The Simpsons”. The writers of the show love pu...
In Case You Forgot: The Full McBain Film Is Buried In “Simpsons” Episodes
Written by Amanda Crum

This isn’t new news, but it is awesome.

In case you forgot, the entire Mcbain movie is hidden in little clips over several episodes of “The Simpsons”. The writers of the show love putting in Easter eggs wherever they can, so it wasn’t really a surprise to find out they’d actually written and animated the whole story for their version of a Schwarzenegger-like action hero and carefully chopped it up, placing the excerpts in order throughout the years.

If you missed it the first time, check it out.

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