Twitter Opens Up Self-Service Ads to All U.S. Users

For the past couple of years, Twitter has been slowly adding business partners to its self-service af platform, which allows users to easily build marketing campaigns on the site via promoted tweet an...
Twitter Opens Up Self-Service Ads to All U.S. Users
Written by Josh Wolford

For the past couple of years, Twitter has been slowly adding business partners to its self-service af platform, which allows users to easily build marketing campaigns on the site via promoted tweet and account targeting.

And today, Twitter is finally opening Twitter Ads up to all U.S. users. You no longer need an invite.

“When we built our self-service ad platform last March, our goal was to create an experience that would be powerful and also extremely easy for anybody to use. Whether you’re an individual looking to grow your personal brand, or an online retailer looking to increase sales, Twitter’s ad platform has the right products to help achieve your unique goals. Over the past year we’ve listened carefully to feedback from the thousands of businesses and individuals who’ve had access to the self-serve tool, and made enhancements based on their suggestions, including more targeting and reporting in the UI,” says Twitter Product Manager Ravi Narasimhan.

Last month, Twitter unveiled new interest, device, and gender targeting to its self-service ad platform. And earlier this month, they finally launched keyword targeting.

Twitter says that nothing will change for those already using Twitter ads. But if you’re new and wish to sign up, all you have to do is visit their self-service page for businesses to get going.

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