Hope Solo 911 Call Audio Released

Hope Solo, the Olympic gold medal-winning goalkeeper for the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team, rose to prominence for her goaltending skills, but gained infamy last year after marrying her fian...
Hope Solo 911 Call Audio Released
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Hope Solo, the Olympic gold medal-winning goalkeeper for the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team, rose to prominence for her goaltending skills, but gained infamy last year after marrying her fiance Jerramy Stevens the day after a violent pre-wedding party incident involving the couple.

Stevens, who has a history of arrests, was arrested the night before the wedding for fourth-degree domestic violence assault, but was released due to lack of evidence. The police report stated that Solo and Stevens had been arguing before a “physical altercation” occurred involving eight people.

This week, the 911 call that night from Solo’s brother, Marcus Solo, has been released. The call reveals that the partygoers had, indeed, been drinking and that a stun gun had been involved in the fight.

For her part, Solo married Stevens just hours later and told the police that the incident was due to “unknown” men at the party. She has maintained since that time that Stevens did not and would not hit her.

Hope Solo

My beautiful husband & i happy as can be! Let me set the record straight!!! Jerramy has NEVER treated me poorly! The truth always prevails! See more from Hope Solo: http://say.ly/Wco4Gaq

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