Kurt Cobain’s Birthday Widely Celebrated In The Twitterverse

Today is Kurt Cobain’s birthday. The Nirvana frontman was born on this day in 1967, which would would make him 46 years old, had he not committed suicide. He died on April 5, 1994, at the height...
Kurt Cobain’s Birthday Widely Celebrated In The Twitterverse
Written by Chris Crum

Today is Kurt Cobain’s birthday. The Nirvana frontman was born on this day in 1967, which would would make him 46 years old, had he not committed suicide. He died on April 5, 1994, at the height of his career, and fans have not forgotten the mark he made on music when he was here.

He has managed to make his way into the Twitter Trends today, and even Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey has tweeted out a quote:

Here’s what some other Twitter users are sharing:

Now go read the lyrics to Floyd the Barber and Hairspray Queen.

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