Kate Gosselin Fired From CouponCabin Blog Job

Kate Gosselin has been officially terminated from her CouponCabin job, in which she blogged for the company for less than a year. In a somewhat brusque letter to users, CouponCabin CEO Scott Kluth ann...
Kate Gosselin Fired From CouponCabin Blog Job
Written by Amanda Crum

Kate Gosselin has been officially terminated from her CouponCabin job, in which she blogged for the company for less than a year.

In a somewhat brusque letter to users, CouponCabin CEO Scott Kluth announced the news with vague but curious reasoning, saying that Kate just did not “align with” the company’s “authenticity”.

To all our Kate blog readers:

Some nine-plus years ago, I started CouponCabin with the thought of creating a single website that had all the best coupons… no gimmicks, no fluff, just a site that was easy to use and that had great deals. Along the way, we’ve helped our users collectively save hundreds of millions of dollars.

A series of recent events have made it clear to me that Kate Gosselin and her contributions do not align with the authenticity which we set out to build almost a decade ago, and that Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin.

It’s with this that I am writing to inform you of our decision to discontinue Ms. Gosselin’s feature blog on CouponCabin.com. Ms. Gosselin’s contributions garnered both positive attention and criticism, but as always, I respect and appreciate your candid opinions, which often encourage us not to lose sight of our mission — to help YOU save money.

We wish Kate, her family and her support staff all the best.

No word yet on exactly what she did or said to get the axe, but users of the site are curious. She did, however, tweet that she is “still alive” and has some projects lined up.

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