Khloe Kardashian The New “X-Factor” Host?

Khloe Kardashian is officially in the lead for the job of co-host on “X-Factor”, according to producer Simon Cowell. Kardashian has been up against some tough competition for the spot, whi...
Khloe Kardashian The New “X-Factor” Host?
Written by Amanda Crum

Khloe Kardashian is officially in the lead for the job of co-host on “X-Factor”, according to producer Simon Cowell.

Kardashian has been up against some tough competition for the spot, which includes Kelly Osbourne and Stacy Keibler. The producers want two hosts, however, a male and a female, because they say breaking up the duties adds a better dynamic for television.

“That will make it more interesting,” Cowell said. “There’s so much talking on these shows, 11 or 12 minutes. It’s too boring, as Ryan [Seacrest] demonstrated, for one person to say everything. You’ve got to mix it up a little bit. I kind of know what we’re looking for, but that’s why we screen-tested people.”

The belief is that Khloe will join Britney Spears and Demi Lovato in the show’s push to gain young viewers, and according to the people in charge, she’s the one they want. Nothing final has been decided yet; however, Cowell says fans can expect an announcement within the next week.

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