Watch The Huxtables Watch The Cosby Show’s Later-Season Dregs

Some television shows don’t quite know how to say goodbye, and because of this seem to drag on much longer than they have any business doing. The Cosby Show isn’t as guilty of this as some...
Watch The Huxtables Watch The Cosby Show’s Later-Season Dregs
Written by Josh Wolford

Some television shows don’t quite know how to say goodbye, and because of this seem to drag on much longer than they have any business doing. The Cosby Show isn’t as guilty of this as some shows out there, but you have to admit that the later seasons lacked the pop of the first seasons, and by season 8, things had gotten pretty bad.

So you can imagine the disdain that the Huxtables would feel if they were forced to watch some of their least-proud moments on primetime.

Well, someone made that happen, and it’s gold.

Check out Cosby Watches Cosby, courtesy of the same guys who brought you the similarly spectacular Mr Wizard’s a Dick.

[via Fark]

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