For A Ghost Town, Google+ Sure Grew A Lot Last Month

The words “Google+” and “ghost town” are often found in the same sentence, but new data from Compete appears to indicate that, at least in the U.S., Google’s social desti...
For A Ghost Town, Google+ Sure Grew A Lot Last Month
Written by Chris Crum

The words “Google+” and “ghost town” are often found in the same sentence, but new data from Compete appears to indicate that, at least in the U.S., Google’s social destination is growing nicely in unique monthly visitors.

In June, the number was nearly 32 million, up 43.08% month-over-month.

Google Plus numbers

Kontxt communication consultant Morten Myrstad wrote about Compete’s number in a Google+ post, where he compared them to some other social sites’ growth from May to June (numbers are in millions):

Facebook 158,6 (+1,0%)
YouTube 153,8 (+0,75%)
Twitter 42,6 (+0,9%)
Google+ 31,9 (+43,1%)
Linkedin 24,6 (-6,5%)
MySpace 21,9 (-8,0%)
Tumblr 21,6 (+0,1%)
Pinterest 19,4 (+0,4%)

“The Compete numbers are US only and desktop only,” writes Myrstad. “If US still representents about 30% of the Google+ global community, as earlier statistics have shown, Google+ now has more than 100 million worldwide visitors via desktops each month.”

“During the Google I/O Conference in June, Google’s +Vic Gundotra announced that the Google+ mobile traffic is now larger than the desktop traffic,” he adds. “Gundotra also announced that Google+ has 250 million accounts, 150 million active users during a month and 75 million active daily users. The June statistics from Compete seems to confirm the published figures from Google.”

Regardless of how accurate the numbers are, I’m really not getting that ghost town vibe.

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