Facebook App Center Now Available On iPad

Sometimes Facebook’s weekly Operation Developer Love post can be devoid of announcements or news, but thankfully the social network has announced some good stuff this week for both consumers and...
Facebook App Center Now Available On iPad
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Sometimes Facebook’s weekly Operation Developer Love post can be devoid of announcements or news, but thankfully the social network has announced some good stuff this week for both consumers and developers. The best news being that the App Center has a new home.

Facebook’s App Center launched last week and has been slowly rolling out to users across a variety of platforms. We got a look at what App Center for iPhone looks like, but now it’s being rolled out to iPad users as well. App Center for the iPad is a bit different as it focuses on, you guessed it, apps for iPad. Developers wanting to be listed on the iPad App Store need only select “Native iPad App” on their app detail page.

Of course, it might not be worth making a native iPad app if nobody is using your app on the device. To find out, Facebook has added a new tool in the Open Graph API that lets them find out what devices users have. Facebook suggests using it to make tailored messages that can be sent to users on various devices. One example is finding users that are playing a Facebook game via mobile web and suggesting that they install the native app for their respective device. If you want to find out how to track your users devices, check out the documentation.

The breaking changes for September were announced last week. Check out the list from last week to see if you need to make any changes to your app before the changes go into effect.

As for the bug list, Facebook saw 192 bug reports last week. Out of those 192 bugs, 23 of them were fixed and 31 were accepted to be worked on.

Expect more App Center news in the days and weeks to come. It’s still a new service and Facebook probably has some more kinks to work out. They obviously want more and more developers to jump on board so expect more posts in the future detailing new features for developers to take advantage of.

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