Google Integrates AdMob With AdWords, Previews New Interface

Google announced today that it is integrating AdMob into AdWords, enabling its over a million AdWords advertisers to run campaigns across over 300,000 mobile apps running AdMob ads on over 350 million...
Google Integrates AdMob With AdWords, Previews New Interface
Written by Chris Crum

Google announced today that it is integrating AdMob into AdWords, enabling its over a million AdWords advertisers to run campaigns across over 300,000 mobile apps running AdMob ads on over 350 million mobile devices. Of course, it can all be managed from the AdWords interface.

There’s a new campaign type in AdWords called Display Network only (mobile apps):

Display Network (mobile)

Advertisers can launch mobile app campaigns from AdWords, and target specific devices or specific manufacturer brands, in addition to the already available targeting by operator, wifi or OS version. Another targeting option is by individual app. Google says it will soon provide an estimate on the number of devices reached and impressions targeted.

“It also helps AdMob developers and publishers increase their revenue by giving them access to a large number of new advertisers,” says Jonathan Alferness, Director of Product Management, Mobile Ads. “AdWords advertisers can now manage, measure and adjust search, display and video ads, reaching people on more than 2 million websites and hundreds of thousands of apps, across all screens.”

Google says the move complements DoubleClick Digital Marketing, which it announced earlier this week.

“As mobile usage continues to explode, businesses increasingly need to adapt their marketing strategies to mobile platforms and mobile-specific consumer trends,” says Alferness.

As far as developers are concerned, Google Mobile Ads product manager Vishay Nihalani says, “All filters you currently use for AdMob ads will be respected for AdWords ads as well. However, please be aware that your filters will still not apply to Google Certified Ad Networks. You will be able to opt out of showing ads from Google Certified Ad Networks if you require filters across all your inventory.”

AdMob’s network reaches 23 countries, each generating over one billion ad-requests last month, according to Google. That’s up from 11 countries in April 2011.

Meanwhile, Google has also been working on a redesign of the AdWords interface, and this is now available for preview.

We’re giving the AdWords interface a visual refresh, and want your feedback on the redesign. Check out the preview:
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“This refresh aims to get the interface out of the way, so that the important things – such as your data – stand out,” says Greg Rosenberg on the Inside AdWords blog. “We integrated the latest client side technologies to make the AdWords interface more visually appealing and scalable.”

Here are some screenshots:

New AdWords

New AdWords


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