Google Maps 6.7 for Android Gets Google Offers, Indoor Maps Directions

It’s only been a couple of weeks since Google released Google Maps for Android 6.6, which followed up the big redesign of 6.5. However, ever the archetype of constant progress, Google Maps have ...
Google Maps 6.7 for Android Gets Google Offers, Indoor Maps Directions
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It’s only been a couple of weeks since Google released Google Maps for Android 6.6, which followed up the big redesign of 6.5. However, ever the archetype of constant progress, Google Maps have announced the release of Google Maps 6.7 today, which incorporates directions on indoor maps for the United States and Japan as well as Google Offers. More, 6.7 also includes the Business Photos inventory of 360-degree panoramic imagery of business interiors.

Indoor maps for big public venues like malls, airports, and the like have been available since late last year but that only presented the map. Now, users will be able to actually get walking directions for the venues so you don’t unexpectedly encounter the lurking cerberus or a pit filled with laughing cobras.

Instead of simply rehashing the inclusion of Google Offers into the mobile version of Google Maps, here’s a video Google provided that explains it.

More information, although it was mostly already explained in the above video, can be found on the Google Commerce blog.

Finally, with this update to Google Maps for Android, you’ll be able to access Google’s collection of in-store imagery from Business Photos, which is essentially Street View for stores. It’s a little puzzling as to why you would need to see the inside of a store if you’re actually, say, walking around in the store. Who knows, maybe you love spoilers so you want to see what the inside of the store is like moments before you enter the store for the first time.

Google Maps for Android Business Photos

While you’re out and about, walking around and cashing in your Google Offers, the latest release of Google Maps for Androids virtually ensures that you never, ever have to look up your phone once during your public adventure.

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