Holocaust Remembrance Day: Watch The Incredibly Moving Highway Tribute In Israel

In 1953, Israel signed into law the celebration of Yom HaShoah, or as it is known in English, Holocaust Remembrance Day. Now, almost 60 years later, the amount of deference shown by those who observe ...
Holocaust Remembrance Day: Watch The Incredibly Moving Highway Tribute In Israel
Written by Josh Wolford

In 1953, Israel signed into law the celebration of Yom HaShoah, or as it is known in English, Holocaust Remembrance Day. Now, almost 60 years later, the amount of deference shown by those who observe the day is still an incredibly moving sight.

Holocaust Remembrance Day is observed all around the world – a somber commemoration of the six million Jews that died at the hands of brutal Nazi forces during World War II. Across the globe, Jewish people participate in the memorial day with vigils and services dedicated to the painful memory of actions that happened many decades ago. In cities like Miami, Florida, participants gather for tributes like the one sponsored by the Greater Miami Jewish Federation today. According to the Miami Herald, the tribute will include prayers, songs, and other ceremonies including a name-reading of many Holocaust victims.

But no place pays the respect to the day like Israel. A large ceremony at the Warsaw Ghetto Plaza in Jerusalem, held every year, feature speeches from the Prime Minister and President. Living survivors participate in the event with torch lightings and flags are flown at half mast.

It’s really hard to imagine the emotions of those more closely affected by the Holocaust. It’s even harder to describe the amount of respect that is payed on this day by people in Israel.

One way to see it is in what happens when the Yom HaShoah siren blares at 10 am across the country. People stop whatever they are doing for a couple of minutes and pay their respects.

As you can see by this video that’s getting a lot of viral attention, it really doesn’t matter where you are, you stop. Even if that means stopping on the highway in traffic.:

Like I said before, this isn’t a one time thing. Check out another highway tribute from 2009:

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