The Filtered Network: Instagram Invades The Facebook Story

Do you remember sitting in the theaters and seeing the preview for The Social Network for the first time? That super serious trailer with the creepy cover of Radiohead’s “Creep,” and...
The Filtered Network: Instagram Invades The Facebook Story
Written by Josh Wolford

Do you remember sitting in the theaters and seeing the preview for The Social Network for the first time? That super serious trailer with the creepy cover of Radiohead’s “Creep,” and the dark, foreboding David Fincher touch on what seemed to be a less-than-serious topic? “Holy Hell, they’re making a movie about Facebook? And it kind of looks like Zodiac or Se7en?”

But the skepticism of many was lost when they finally saw the film. The film was serious business, and extremely gripping. Facebook itself is also in the midst of some serious business. Their IPO is just around the corner and they just made a gigantic move in buying two-year-old photo sharing startup Instagram for over $1 billion.

It’s only fitting that Instagram would get it’s own Facebook-like big screen adaptation, right?

“People want to go online and look at pictures. Why not offer an app that’s just pictures of food, skies, sunsets, and food – taking the entire experience of eating sushi and putting it online.”

That’s what a young Mark Zuckerberg has to say about Instagram in the reimagined trailer for The Social Network titled The Filtered Network. It’s a pretty hilarious take on the whole situation, from writer Dashiell Driscoll and Funny or Die.

Check it out below:

The historic purchase has left some Instagram users sour, as they fear that their core experiencde with the app they love will change once Facebook gets their hands on it. Either that, or they fear that this will result in more of their privacy being conceded to Facebook. What do you think of the buy? Let us know in the comments.

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