Yahoo CEO to Outline New Plans Next Week

If you recall, Wednesday Yahoo Inc. announced their definitive intention to layoff over two thousand members of their current workforce. Later that same day, CEO Scott Thompson introduced a letter to ...
Yahoo CEO to Outline New Plans Next Week
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If you recall, Wednesday Yahoo Inc. announced their definitive intention to layoff over two thousand members of their current workforce. Later that same day, CEO Scott Thompson introduced a letter to his fellow Yahoo employees describing the need for downsizing and restructuring in their organization.

In the letter he addressed each of the core components to Yahoo’s business model, and expressed sincere concern for the health of those components.Today Reuters reports that Thompson has called for an all-hands meeting this coming Tuesday.

Apparently the purpose of the meeting is to lay out new goals for the organization and begin to implement plans of action for the coming weeks. It is unclear what any of those plans are, but it is likely many will discover their fate at the transitioning company .

We’ll be watching for more news to come from CEO Thompson and Yahoo Inc. If anything new should come to light, you can read about it here.

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