Project Glass: Sergey Brin Is Going Around Wearing The Google Glasses

Google co-founder Sergey Brin went out to a charity dinner aimed at raising money for the Foundation Fighting Blindness, and he was wearing the Project Glass glasses. This is, according to tech blogge...
Project Glass: Sergey Brin Is Going Around Wearing The Google Glasses
Written by Chris Crum

Google co-founder Sergey Brin went out to a charity dinner aimed at raising money for the Foundation Fighting Blindness, and he was wearing the Project Glass glasses.

This is, according to tech blogger Robert Scoble, who says he was at the dinner with photographer Thomas Hawk. Scoble posted some pics taken by Hawk on his Google+ page.

Brin wearing project glass glasses

Sergey Brin and Robert Scoble

Scoble said on Google+:

When I first got here I spotted Google co-founder +Sergey Brin. He was wearing THOSE GLASSES!

He quickly told me it is a prototype. I saw a bluish light flashing off of his right eyeball. I could only guess that my Google+ profile flashed up, or maybe some PR voice said “stay quiet” or something like that.

But the glasses are real. Very light looking. Most of the people around us had no idea that these glasses are pretty special.

Hawk later posted this higher resolution pic:

Photo By Thomas Hawk

Hawk added in his post:

Sergey’s wife and 23andMe Co-Founder Anne Wojcicki was at the dinner receiving an award from the Foundation.

Good news Canon. Sergey says he is in fact upgrading from a 5D Mark II to the 5D Mark III, but he’s also getting a Nikon D800 too, so it will be interesting to see which one he ends up liking more.

Brin’s last Google+ post was an introduction to Project Glass, in which he shared the promo video, and said, “I’m very excited to share with you a little bit about another project I have been working on — Project Glass. We believe that by bringing technology closer, we can get it more out of the way.”

Brin seems to be having a lot of fun while co-founder turned CEO Larry Page is trying to please investors. He recently appeared in the fun Google Racing video for April Fool’s, in which he’s in a NASCAR version of Google’s driverless cars:

With all due respect to Page and the things he discussed in his letter, Brin’s activities seem like a lot more fun.

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